The event “European Integration of the Western Balkans: Achievements and Challenges” will be a series of activities including:
- open lectures
- roundtables debates with practitioners and policy makers dealing with issues of European Integration of the region;
- multidisciplinary workshops with junior and senior researchers dealing with the region and European studies;
- International conference to deliver keynote speeches by prominent scholars and policy-makers on the Achievements and Challenges of European Integration of countries form the Western Balkans.
The aim of these activities is to bring together scholars and policy-makers from the region and Europe-wide to discuss on the progress as well as on the ways to overcome the EU enlargement fatigue. The series of the activities on “European Integration of the Western Balkans: Achievements and Challenges” aims at strengthening the network of scholars working on European Integration issues as well as initiating a dialogue with policy-makers and practitioners interested in the region. The events will enhance the debate on the European Integration of the Western Balkans; make publicly visible the progress achieved so far as well as give alternative ways to advance the process forward. These activities will also stimulate research and publications on the scientific issues of the EU enlargement and Europeanization of the candidate countries.
Public Lectures:
The public lecture series “EU Enlargement and its impact on the western Balkans” invites scholars and policy makers to talks on the new EU enlargement policy towards the remaining countries of the Western Balkans. The series of talks seek to re-vitalize academic and policy debate on issues related to European integration of the region. It is an opportunity to discuss not only the current situation but also to offer alternative options in order to enhance the process of EU enlargement SouthEast.
Public Mobile Academy
The Jean Monnet Chair at UMB in partnership with the Embassy of the Netherlands in Tirana launch the Public Mobile Academy initiative conceived and designed as a series of keynote lectures and seminars on various topics related to specific current developments in the country, focusing on issues of Human Rights and European Integration.
Unlike other traditional initiatives, the Public Mobile Academy had the capacity to constantly change location and theme according to the local needs. We went to the main Albanian cities building a dialogue, exchanging expertise, making aware the local actors of the challenges and enhancing their capacities to influence positive changes in their communities.