Civil Society and Beyond: A Joint Dialogue on the European Path


The two day International Conference “Civil Society and Beyond: A Joint Dialogue on the European Path” was organized on February 25-26, 2016 by the European Movement International and European Movement in Serbia, with the support of TACSO P2P and in partnership with the Serbian European Integration Office.
cso3The purpose of the conference was to create an opportunity for stakeholders from different countries from the Western Balkans and Turkey (WBT) to exchange perspectives and experiences with regard to the role of civil society in the European integration, as well as to work on the mechanisms for strengthening bilateral and multilateral cooperation among CSOs in the WBT region and the EU.
The event gathered 155 participants from civil society from the EU, the Western Balkan and Turkey region and Serbia, as well as from European institutions and national authorities from the region, and attracted significant media attention.

The conference focused on three themes:

  • Dialogue between civil society and public authorities in the accession process (including mechanisms for participation such as National Convention on the EU and SECO);
  • Regional cooperation between civil society;
  • Civic dialogue between EU and (potential) candidate countries.

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